How it began...
My name is Summer Stephenson and I grew up in a house where my parents occupation was breeding and selling snakes. It was the bomb. I LOVED it and still do to this day. My parents are Dan & Colette Sutherland, they are very successful entrepreneurs and own TSK Inc. also known as The Snake Keeper. I have been working at their facility my whole life and currently manage a good part of their collection.
During my childhood we would always go snake hunting in fields or when we would go camping, since we lived out in the desert in California it was a great place to find gopher snakes. That was when I had my first experiences with Pituophis. Around 2012 my parents bought their first gopher snakes that they have had in a long time. I started working with them as part of my job, I soon grew to love this species. I purchased my first gopher snakes in 2015 and my personal collection has done a lot of expanding since then.
How it looks today
Now, along with my husband Spencer, we are looking to continue expanding the collection with more unique pituophis.
We work with a variety of Pines, Bulls, and Gophers and are continuing to refine our collection to create the best looking animals around.
We have so many projects in the works and are really excited to see the results of all our hard work and share it with you!
We are very happy and confident to say that Summer's Snakes has been established as a top tier breeder of Pituophis and we hope to share our passion with you!

Summer Stephenson
Founder & Owner

Spencer Stephenson
Co-Owner & Social Media Manager